How To Win A Girl Back After A Bad Break Up? Tips That Will Help You

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You’ve just gone through a horrible end to your relationship. It was nasty, it was painful and now you’re realizing that it was the biggest mistake of your life. You miss your girlfriend more than you thought possible and you have no idea what to do. Perhaps part of you thinks that the right thing to do is to just try and put it all behind you and move on to meet someone else. Your heart can’t do that though because you love her way too much. You have to get the woman back. Understanding how to win a girl back after a bad break up is all about recognizing that you have to put the past to rest before you can make her love you again.
Learning how to win a girl back after a bad break up starts with making a sincere and appropriate apology to her. You may think that she should be the one apologizing to you if she did the actual breaking up, but you’re wrong. If you were doing everything you needed to be doing in the relationship it wouldn’t have ended as badly as it did. It’s rarely one person’s fault only when a relationship comes crashing apart. Therefore, you need to own up to what you did and you need to do that as soon as possible. Your apology must be coming from a genuine place inside of you and it has to be delivered in a very sincere and calm way. Just tell your girlfriend that you regret your actions and that you’re going to work very hard in the future to be a better man and to learn from your mistakes.
Once you’ve done that, you then can move towards getting her back. Since the break up was so bad it’s going to take time to reconnect with her on a romantic level. You have to approach this as a journey and with that comes many small steps to help you get towards your goal which is to be back with the woman you love. Each day do something to transform yourself into the man you know she wants you to be. If there were things she criticized you about while you two were still together, focus on those. A new and improved version of you is sure to make her think twice about the break up.
As you work towards becoming the man you know you are capable of being, continue to be a strong and positive presence in her life. Talk to her frequently but don’t bring up the past or the future. Focus on what’s going on in both of your lives at the moment. Encourage her in any way you can and be there to support her if she needs a shoulder to lean on. Show her that you care for her whether you two are romantic partners or not. That alone will help her to feel closer to you again.
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About Author:
The things you do after your breakup will either set the stage for a reunion with your girlfriend or will ensure she’s gone for good. Saying or doing the wrong thing can impact your future with the woman you love. If you still need and want her don’t leave your future with her to chance, there are ways to win her back. Â Author: Gillian Reynolds