Nationwide Modular Homes: Something For Everyone

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By Wade Robins
Although Nationwide Modular Homes was founded in 1959 to sell owner-builder home kits, it did not begin producing the lines of modular houses on which it has built its reputation until ten years later. Today Nationwide Modular Homes has display sites in Virginia and Georgia, and five production facilities, including one in North Carolina.
Nationwide Modular Homes works with Authorized Builders, who market, construct, and finish Nationwide Modular Homes for customers in fourteen southern and Mid-Atlantic states, and the District of Columbia.
Nationwide’s Multi-family Homes
Nationwide Modular Homes is unique in that since 1959 it has been producing multi-family modular homes, either from its own plans or adapted to meet the needs of builders. Their engineering and pricing staffs will not only develop plans for a multi-family project; they will submit them to the appropriate agencies for approval, and provide the builder with very detailed pricing projections to aid in their construction scheduling.
The Nationwide Modular home Landmark Collection. Designed for the multifamily market, has standard 2′ x 10′ floor joists, and fire sheathing rated to meet local building codes. Nationwide Modular Homes have produced every sort of multi-family structure, from apartment buildings, condominiums, and townhouses, to motels. Because their multi-family units are produced in separate modules at the Nationwide Modular Homes factories, they are ready to be attached to the project’s foundations when they reach the building site.
All the builder need do is prepare the foundation for the multi family units, and have a crane on site to begin attaching the modules when they arrive. The modules already contain all the necessary insulation, pipes, wiring, plumbing, and knockouts; the builder simply provides the water, sewage, and electrical connections, and then finishes the interiors and exteriors of the units. With the units already 80% completed when they reach the site, the builder is facing a much shorter construction time and will carry the loan for a much shorter time as well, saving a considerable amount interest fees.
Nationwide Singe Family Homes
Nationwide Modular Homes also have several collections of single family homes, ranging from 900 square foot cottages to log cabins to the four thousand square-foot two-story Huntington. Their home plans cover every conceivable style of architecture and can be finished materials of the home owner’s choice. For more info see
on Modular Home Prices.
To get a clearer picture of the amazing quality and variety of Natinwide Modular Homes, simply visit their website at
, where they offer floor plans, photos, and even virtual tours of many of their homes.
About the Author: You can also find more info on
Modular Home Kit
Modular Home Mortgage
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