Popular Dishes In Japanese Food

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By Larry Lim
Japanese food is becoming increasingly more popular in the United States. A surge in sushi restaurants shows how popular Japanese food is becoming. Japanese food is nowhere near as popular as Chinese food, but the gap between the 2 styles of food is narrowing.
Most Japanese style meals are served with plain white rice. This rice is often topped with soy sauce. Rice is often served with meals but is also eaten on its’ own.
Sushi may be the most popular Japanese food in the Unites States. Many people are turned off by the thought of eating sushi but once they try it for the first time a lot of these people become converts and love eating it.
There are numerous varieties of sushi. Norimaki Sushi is made with a raw fish such as tuna, wrapped in rice and dried seaweed. This type of sushi tends to be the most popular in the United States and can be made in numerous ways with different fish and fillings. A popular Americanized version of sushi is often called the ‘California Roll’. A California Roll usually consists of avocado, imitation crab meat or real crabmeat, and cucumber. It is rolled into rice and then the outside is often sprinkled with sesame seeds. Many people that do not like traditional sushi tend to enjoy eating California Rolls.
Nigiri is a form of sushi in which a rice ball is topped with a layer of raw fish. There can be numerous varieties made in multiple ways. Nigiri is often offered sat American Sushi restaurants but is not as popular as Norimaki sushi.
In addition to the many styles and ingredients in Sushi another popular dish is fried rice. Fried rice originated in China but has spread worldwide. Japanese fried rice often contains peas, carrots, and other vegetables which help to distinguish it from the traditional Chinese fried rice.
Ramen noodles are another dish that originated in China but is now seen as a Japanese food as the popularity of them drastically increased since its’ introduction to Japan.
Yakizakana is a popular Japanese food that is also loved by many Americans. Yakizakana simply means grilled fish. Many types of fish are grilled in Japan. We often like to think of Japanese cuisine as simply eating rice and raw fish but this is far from true as Japanese people love their Yakizakana.
Japanese has a lot of different foods. One style of Japanese food that many Americans are familiar with is tempura. Various vegetables and seafood are coated in tempura batter and then deep fried. Zucchini tempura is popular in many regions of the United States and you could consider this to be Japanese style food.
Sushi, rice, Yakizakana, and ramen noodles tend to be the most popular Japanese dishes that are also thoroughly enjoyed by Americans. If you have never been able to experience authentic tasting Japanese cuisine then you need to venture to a Japanese restaurant and try some of the great foods that come from the ‘Land Of The Rising Sun’.
About the Author: Larry Lim writes for
Online Restaurant Reservations
and is currently reviewing
Japanese restaurants in Singapore
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